Wednesday, July 2, 2008


From denominational conferences to a preacher's homily, I find observing and blogging- commenting on the happenings in Christendom in the light of Scripture profitable, not just for me but for many of my readers. I am fairly comfortable in being vocal about my thoughts concerning issues of faith and practice.

My Bible College professor, now acting president, asked about the possibility for me to teach Worship Programming (which I choose to call, Worship Studies-Theology History and Practice). In preparation for that, I decided to update a syllabus I made some months ago. So, in a serendipity, while researching about worship and contemporary theological issues to update a Worship Studies syllabus, I found these YouTube videos about Joel Osteen, pastor of the 40,000-strong Lakewood Church Houston, reportedly America's largest congregation. The series of videos I viewed honestly alarmed me.

To begin with, let me say, I am not a huge fan of Joel Osteen (which means, I have not read a book he's written or frequently watch his TV program), but I admire the great worship music at Lakewood, and our church sings some of the songs they have produced.

I do believe that he is a Christian brother. I have no problems with his being encouraging- that could be his spiritual gift. I don't mind him being popular and being the most listened to preacher in America. What is concerning for me is this whole new wave of supposed Christian spirituality that is being propagated- get rich and successful, be happy and healthy, be a champion!

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