Monday, November 3, 2008


Life at any time can become difficult: life at any time can become easy. It all depends upon how one adjusts oneself to life.

So, I have begun my stint teaching adjunctively in the Bible College where I received my Theology degree.

I walked into my classroom (they assigned me the room I hated the most back when I was a student!) and found a pretty good number of students which administrators say will grow several more in the coming days after all, this morning was the first meeting. This morning's meeting with the students already opened a window for me to see their personalities and how I would be able to deal with each of them! Some personalities are quite strong, others are more reserved, but none of them are not beyond controllability! They all seem easy to work with and interested in the course.

Whenever I am in the area I have always made it a point to come by the school; and I was invited to speak in chapel a couple of times; but today, I returned as part of the faculty. That thought has yet to sink into my system! The Bible College president spoke in chapel this morning with the same tone, the thought that she is now the president is still beginning to sink in. The President spoke on Becoming A Visionary Leader, where she shares her heart about the state of some ministers and church workers in the Church in general whose life and ministry are characterized by complacency and mediocrity; without vision or goals. If ever they do, the goals would either be too high, but they are unwilling to adjust their action steps to reach them. Confucious once said “When it becomes obvious that the goals are hard to reach, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.”

But let's face it. It is tough to adjust even the action steps.

It's 5:37PM and I'm communicating with my nephew on YahooMessenger now and he says it's currently 4:37AM where he is. He is updating me on his first few adventures in his new life in Tampa! He tells me that his body hasn't yet accustomed to the new time zone! He's been awake all night. In a week or two, he will be enrolling in a Middle School close to the house. I love the way he planned out his life-- get involved in sports, join the theater troupe, go to the gym and be the best that he can be-- I don't know, but that sounds very "High School Musical" to me! Oh the influence of Disney!

His sister always been the non-ostentatious, non-pompous kind of girl. But much the same, she has amazing goals she dreams of reaching.

My sister looked forward to having her kids with her in Tampa but she has to carefully walk the kids slowly through to adjusting to North American life. She looks forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas, and taking them to football games this season!

Josh Ruth

My dad is adjusting to his new home with my brother-- until he flies out. My other nephew is scouting for an apartment of his own since both his younger siblings have flown out.

Adjusting to change. It will never stop until...

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