Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Mystery Giver Strikes Back.

Only two good friends of mine know this and I didn't want to blog about it because I found it really creepy, plus, I didn't want to sound like a total brag. But now, I feel I should at least write about it.

Around Christmas, I received gifts from an anonymous human being. The gifts range from little trinkets to imported candies; but the most expensive was a nice red tie from Marks and Spencer which I choose not to wear! Then the gifts stopped coming.

Tonight, coming home from Bible study, I opened my mailbox in the lobby to get my mail and found an Enchanted movie VCD with a Post-It message that reads "A gift to you, Mr. Unit 7**! Now, if that ain't creepy enough, I don't know what is. But I'm watching the movie now still trying to figure out who it came from! But that will pass. I figured, I must be thankful for the gifts!

One of my friends said it could be from a girl living on my floor, or a mother who thinks of me as her son. Another friend asked "What if it were a dude?!" I prefer the first two possibilities- they're more flattering! Haha!


The first time I saw Enchanted I was far too tired and sleepy to enjoy the Disney flick. So besides the song "True Love's Kiss" I didn't remember any other until Joy made me listen to Jon McLaughlin's "So Close." I'm actually enjoying the movie for the first time now!

However, I must say, I never really liked fairy tales and prince-princess romance stories! I live in the real world where a man doesn't have to slay a dragon or fight a wicked witch; where a man doesn't have to travel on horseback to a castle far, far away to save a damsel in distress.

A Long Phone Talk One Afternoon.

This afternoon, busy as I was with so much stuff to finish for Sunday, I received a call from a girl in his twenties. The call seemed haphazard. The caller didn't have any any specific topic in mind or a case to present. It felt like a random phone call from a kid wanting to talk with a buddy on a lazy afternoon last! Honestly, receiving such a call was the last thing I ever wanted to get this afternoon. I was sick last night, my morning was full, and my afternoon was just as cramped.


But I didn't want to be rude by saying goodbye and just hang up. I listened to her, answered her random questions, and continued working on my computer. It was a struggle for me who has a one-track mind to talk on the phone and work on three different documents that involved writing, editing and planning!

Sooner than I expected, the real topic emerged: "love life!"

For a woman who is turning 28, she is concerned that her time's running out, and her are chances getting slim. She feels that she will never be complete until a man enters her life. I felt the genuineness of her concern. She's not alone facing such a predicament. I know a host of others. However, I felt I wasn't the right person she should be speaking with about it. But I was so moved, I offered to pray for her and gave some godly encouragement.

I told her to choose joy. I repeated the words over so it will sink in her head somehow. Sometimes, it's best to say something over and over to get that hang of it! But, there was not much joy in the situation to focus on. There were no silver linings. She felt there was no way she could look on the bright side of things. It was dark. I hope she understood me saying, “Well, we’re just choosing to trust in God that He’ll take care of us, etc.” We’re going to choose joy.

Joy definitely doesn’t make perfect sense sometimes. It’s not a scientific equation that states: if you do this and that, it will always equal joy. Not always. There are times where we obey out of fear. Even with a little bitterness. But when we choose to follow Christ with joy, I know it blesses Him ... and us.

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