Thursday, February 5, 2009


Earlier, feeling really sick and realizing I'm out of medicines, I forced myself to stand and go to the nearest drugstore three blocks away to get some. I kept praying that God would sustain me as I walked to and from the store. He did. He even supplied the strength for me to get some breakfast, and canned chicken soup for later.

Now I'm in bed with computer on my lap, trying to get some rest. I hate getting sick, especially flu- drowsy, nauseus, cold. In my whole life, I've never once tried alcohol or drugs, but I guess I now know how it's like to feel having had some-- the funny and weird feeling, the normal yet strange effect of the meds I'm taking!

As I tried to browse for some youtube videos on flu, first-aid and medicines, I stumbled upon this video from Travis' facebook page of a father videotaping his son's reaction to medicines after a visit to the dentist. This video is hilarious!

Benny Lavas writes: This is my 7 year old son who had an extra tooth removed last summer, 2008. I had the camera because he was so nervous before I wanted him to see before and after.

He was so out of it after, I had to carry him out of the office. The staff was laughing and I had tears it was so funny.

He is doing fine now and the teeth are great.

Best of all he is the best kid as his brother William. I couldnt have asked for two better sons

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