Thursday, March 5, 2009


A couple of years ago, D. James Kennedy, Senior Pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale died.

After a long and tedious search for a new Senior Pastor, a couple of weeks ago the church voted to call the Rev. Tullian Tchividjian (cha-vid-yan), the thirty-six-year-old grandson of famed evangelist, the Rev Billy Graham. Tchividjian initially did not want to leave his thriving 5-year-old 700-strong, New City Church and become pastor of 50-year-old Coral Ridge's 3000 members- which on its 80's heyday reached more than 10,000 members. But Coral Ridge wanted him so badly that it suggested the Gen-X pastor to look into a possible merger.

Tchividjian, preaching.
coral ridge 1
the Coral Ridge sanctuary which was dedicated in 1974 by the Rev. Billy Graham

Tchividjian's leadership now brings the two churches of different "worlds" to a time of confluence. Traditional/Contemporary, Ancient/Modern, old and new.

Tchividjian is cautious about discussing any changes he might make at the helm of Coral Ridge. However, he said the Coral Ridge leaders had asked him to bring the “vision” he instilled at New City Church, a vision of “revival and renewal for all of South Florida.” New City is also known for blending traditional beliefs with modern methods, mixing hymns and contemporary Christian songs.

The minister said he also values a collegial church culture, “where the elders, the staff and the deacons are all friends, not just fellow workers. They should all be pulling on the same side of the rope.”

Tchividjian said he shares Coral Ridge's longtime values of “passionate preaching” and “robust theological commitment.” But he added that his selection as pastor shows the larger, older church remains flexible.

This news now brings to mind a transition that's about to begin to bud! My church's Senior Pastor has been mentioning in his preaching since about three years ago that "the Lord willing" he will retire from his post as Senior Pastor of GCF in mid-2010. Between now and then, the Lord is preparing the man that will lead GCF to greater heights. When that man comes, things will change, yet there will always be things- mostly principles that should remain. Those principles are what keep the church the church.

The vision that has been set before is grand but that’s what visions are – they are always bigger than what our eyes can see or we can achieve on our own. The church will be a very different place in the years beyond. Some of us will be gone on for one reason or another. Others will be added. Babies will be born. Converts will be baptized. Staff will change. Life will happen.

The church will do many wonderful things through Christ's Spirit. Lives will be transformed as we are being transformed. There may be times when we as a congregation may be shaken by doubt and fear; differences of opinion and sheer fatigue. But those will be the times we need to remember that we are building a house on Rock.

On Christ the solid Rock we stand – all other ground is sinking sand.

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